Texas High School Postpones Graduation After 85% of Seniors Fail to Earn Diploma

A high school in Texas was forced to postpone its graduation due to the majority of the seniors not meeting graduation requirements, reports NY Post.  Marlin High School located near Waco, Texas has a total of 33 seniors. According to the outlet only 5 out of the 33 students passed their classes and are eligible […]

4-Year-Old Mistakenly Shoots At 1-Year-Old Brother With ‘Unsecured’ Pistol, Reports Say

On Tuesday, a 4-year-old boy accidentally shot his 1-year-old brother inside their home in Texas, officials say, according to the New York Post. The youngster “found an unsecured pistol” inside their home in Houston and mistakenly shot his brother, said the Harris County Sheriff’s office.  The 1-year-old was transported to the hospital and luckily didn’t […]

8-Month-Old Baby Fatally Shot As Mother and Father Allegedly Struggled Over A Firearm

A man from Texas, Alejandro Martinez, 20, was apprehended on Sunday after officials say he fatally shot his daughter while struggling over a firearm with his child’s mother, per PEOPLE. According to the reports, the girl was merely 8 months old.  The mother, 21-year-old Ruby Mora, was taken into custody last month. The parents were […]