Teacher Quits Her Job in the Middle of Class, Students are Being Urged to be Kinder

Photo Credit: TikTok/ sweet.trashysam.jpeg

A teacher seemingly fed up with her students is going viral on TikTok after she is seen packing up her belongings and walking out in the middle of class.

The 28-second clip captioned

“They made the teacher leave”

has made it rounds on TikTok with users defending the teacher’s actions. It is unclear what lead to the teachers breaking point but you can hear the woman saying,

“People are laughing. I’m gonna go. I don’t even care if I don’t get paid today. I’m just a stupid old white lady, that’s all.”

The students can be heard in the background encouraging the teacher to stay but she continues to pack her stuff. She tells the class to continue to do whatever they pleased and that it no longer concerned her. She is heard telling the students that it didn’t matter what she said, they would do whatever they wanted anyway.

At the end of the video the woman is seen storming past her students who shouted


in an attempt to stop her, but she continued toward the door and said,

“I’m walking. I’m walking right out the door.” 

Many users came to the teachers defense. One user created a reaction video where he touched on the

“low wages”

teachers receive for the amount disrespect they endure.

“Yes, it could be attributed to the low wages that they get paid. But it also has to do with the fact that these kids have not home training,”

Clay commented. 

#Clique, what are your thoughts? 

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