Tragedy Strikes As Philadelphia Toddler Fatally Shoots Herself In The Eye With Father’s Unsecured Firearm

A tragic incident occurred in Philadelphia as a young child accidentally shot herself in the eye with her father's firearm, reports the NY Post.
Photo Credit: Unsplash/ David von Diemar

A tragic incident occurred in Philadelphia as a young child accidentally shot herself in the eye with her father’s firearm, reports the NY Post. Kayden Barnes, a three-year-old girl, discovered the gun inside their Germantown home and began playing with it. 

In a devastating turn of events, she unintentionally fired the weapon. Both of Kayden’s parents were present in the house at the time, and authorities have stated that the gun was not properly secured. 

Despite being rushed to St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, Kayden was pronounced dead early Monday morning. 

An individual in the home was briefly detained for questioning but was later released without charges. The exact location where Kayden found the gun has not been disclosed.

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