Travel Influencer Diary: Ciara


If you’re considering an extended multi-destination or around-the-world journey chances are you’ve got a pretty advanced sense of curiosity about the world and a strong personality to boot.

Meet Ciara, who considers herself as a regular Texas girl who is simply curious about the world, but never believed she would touch 60+ countries.

Before embarking on this journey, Ciara says she felt unfulfilled in her first post-grad

‘big girl’

job. She was ready to escape the corporate world after two years, but was scared of the unknown.

In her lifestyle website, HeyCiara, Ciara talked about quitting her job and buying a one way ticket across the globe.

“I sat in my cubicle daydreaming of handing in my resignation & buying a one way ticket across the globe. However, my fears were rooted in the pressure to stick to ‘normal’ and ‘stable’ societal expectations,”

she said.

“I took the leap after two years, and I’m ecstatic to say that my courage has led to me living an extraordinary life as a globetrotter, and now I’m passionate about showing others how they too can take the plunge and live their very best life,”

the travel influencer continued.

Since her big leap of faith, Ciara has been to Portugal, Lebanon, Dubai,  Portland, Turks and Caicos, Tokyo, Cape Town, Thailand.

Check out some of her cool travel experiences below:

#Clique, which of these countries are you visiting during the holiday season, or on that solo trip you’ve been planning?

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