Woman Finally Sentenced After Pleading Guilty To Throwing Molotov CocktailInto Bank In 2021 Because She Was Waiting In Line ‘Too Long’

Pexels/ Juliana Stein

A woman from California has been sentenced to two years behind bars after throwing a Molotov cocktail into a California bank after growing angry because the wait was too long, according to the New York Post. 35-year-old Teranee Millet reportedly said

“I’m going to blow this b-tch up” before committing the crime. 

The US attorney’s office said that Millet was sentenced after she pleaded guilty back in March to unlawful possession of a firearm and destructive device. 

According to the US attorney’s office statement, the woman was at a Bank of America in Southern California back in Sept. 2021 when she talked to a bank manager and demanded assistance from another bank teller

“because she believed she had been waiting in [line] for too long.” 

She was informed that the other bank tellers were unavailable, and she then screamed,

“I’m going to blow this bitch up!” 

The manager at the bank instantly contacted officials; however, minutes before authorities arrived, the woman had already thrown the Molotov cocktail into the establishment, which resulted in a fire. Reports say the middle of the floor was on fire. Luckily, a customer was able to put the fire out while the woman fled. As Millet left, she threatened another customer and tossed a glass bottle at their vehicle, damaging it. Luckily, no one suffered from any injuries. 

Millet was arrested in Georgia two months following the incident after she was identified on the bank’s security camera. Before she was arrested, she led cops on a car chase as she drove a stolen U-Haul van. Reports added that the chase ended in a car crash and Millet suffered from injuries. She was later treated. 

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