70-Year-Old Woman Successfully Gives Birth To Twins Using IVF, Doctors Called The Act ‘Incredibly Irresponsible’

A 70-year-old woman from Uganda recently gave birth to twins using IVF and says she is “feeling great.” Safina Namukwaya delivered a baby boy and a baby girl via cesarean section at Women’s Hospital International and Fertility Center in Uganda on November 29, according to USA TODAY

“Some might argue that 70 years is old, but God decided that I get to have twins at 70. There is no one that can put a limit on God’s authority and power,”

Namukwaya told the outlet through an interpreter.

In a recent Facebook post, the hospital described the event as


However, the American Society of Reproductive Medicine advises against IVF treatment for women over 55 due to concerns about the potential risks associated with pregnancy.

Brian Levine, practice director at New York City’s CCRM fertility clinic, told TODAY that he thinks the decision to treat Nawakuma was

“incredibly irresponsible.”

However, Edward Tamale Sali, Namukwaya’s fertility doctor, told TODAY that,

“It’s her human right. It’s her body… [and] she’s physically fit.”

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