After Two Seasons, Max Cancels “Our Flag Means Death”

Unsplash/Myke Simon

“Our Flag Means Death,”

a comedic pirate series by David Jenkins, was canceled after Season 2 by Max.
In a social media post on Instagram, Jenkins revealed the news, expressing his pride for all the work that had been done on this journey with the crew, including Taika Waititi, who served as an executive producer and actor, along with Andrew Linco and others.

While premature, Jenkins acknowledged the consistent support from network executives.
The show premiered in 2022 and concluded its second season last year, leaving fans disappointed with an unresolved ending that could have continued to provide heartwarming stories from the swashbuckling world.

Max’s representative expressed pride in the impact the show had made and thanked its loyal fans for their support.
Critics mentioned the decent acting by the cast members and the unique themes about pirates in the series. Max is set to conclude his adventures soon enough.

#Clique, have you seen “Our Flag Means Death”?

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