Anthony Mackie Stars In This Romantic Sci-fi Film: “If You Were The Last”


Two astronauts in a broken space left with little or no hope of rescue, spend the days beginning a new friendship that springs to something more.

Adam and Jane have been in a three-year long mission with NASA that now seems to be going wrong. A broken ship in-between Jupiter and Saturn, they both think of all the creative ways to pass time, they have little hope of rescue.

In a bid to seek solutions, they argue and flirt with each other, realizing that they’re better off spending the remaining days developing a special kind of friendship.

If You Were the Last is a 2023 American science fiction romantic comedy by Kristian Mercado from an original screenplay by Angela Bourassa.

Anthony Mackie and Zoë Chao portray the roles of two astronauts who are stranded aboard a NASA shuttle that eventually got lost in space.

This film is a beautiful love story. The chemistry onscreen between the actors helps drive a romantic comedy that challenges questions of loyalty, friendship.

Swinging through comedy, romance, sci-fi, laughs.

The film’s exasperating vagueness pulls together all its many intriguing thoughts and ideas combines.

#Clique, what are your thoughts on this film?

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