Barbie Takes The Crown As The Most Popular Film, Dethroning Parasite


Barbie Officially Becomes the Most Popular Film

The film, directed by Greta Gerwig, is a crazy comedy starring Margot Robbie as Barbie. In the movie, Barbie realizes that the world she lives in isn’t real and decides to go on an adventure in the real world to figure out the true meaning of life. The movie also stars Ryan Gosling as Ken, and critics say it’s the best performance of his entire career.

According to Letterboxd’s Most Popular Film list, Barbie has now taken the top spot, dethroning Bong Joon-ho‘s Parasite, which had held the position for the longest time. Although Parasite has more reviews than Barbie, it has been watched by 3.4 million users over the last four years, while Barbie has been seen by 2.8 million users in the past six months.

Not only did Barbie top the box office in 2023, but it also holds the record for Warner Bros.’s most successful movie and is a strong contender in this year’s awards season. Gerwig has become the highest-grossing female director of all time in the U.S. thanks to Barbie’s performance.

#Clique, what are your thoughts on Barbie becoming the most popular film?

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