‘Bob the Builder’ Animated Feature At Mattel, Starring Anthony Ramos


Bob the Builder, an iconic children’s character, is all set for a breathtaking animated film from Mattel Films. Jennifer Lopez, the producer of the film, and Anthony Ramos from “In The Heights” are supposed to lend their voice as the lead characters.

The film named “Bob the Builder” is from a different angle, in which Bob, or as he calls Roberto starts an important construction project in Puerto Rico. The plot goes deep into the issues that face the island and glorifies Caribbean Latin culture. Felipe Vargas will design the script, making a new version of this iconic character.

Ramos highlights the deep message of the film and reveals that some elements draw from his personal life. This touching tale is being brought to the screen by the production team headed by Ramos and Lopez’s company, Nuyorican Productions.

The film is one of the successful Mattel films, which marks the beginning of another dimension in storytelling by this beloved brand.

#Clique, are you excited for the upcoming movie?

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