Doja Cat’s Brother Physically Assaults His Famous Sister, Leaving Her With Fewer Teeth

Image Credit: Doja Cat/ Instagram

The real haters of Doja Cat aren’t the critics at this point, but her own brother! The rapper’s mom told the court, after filing against her own son, that he had abused Doja Cat. But what did the court say?

Doja Cat’s Brother Hit With A Restraining Order From Mom

TMZ gained access to legal files by Doja Cat’s mom, Deborah Elizabeth Sawyer, who referenced the rapper’s brother, Raman Dalithando Dlamini. The family’s matriarch brought an awkward scenario to court, asking the judge to stop her son from getting close to her. Deborah claimed that the 30-year-old had abused her physically and emotionally while adding threats. This has happened more than once, with the latest occurring this month.

The court agreed to a restraining order against Doja’s brother. Apparently, this is not the first time that Deborah will be appealing for such measures. She established that Raman had been issued a restraining order in the past, but it expired.

Deborah Sawyer Maintained That Doja Cat Was Abused Physically and Verbally

While seeking a restraining order for herself, Deborah accused her son of being a threat to Doja’s life. According to the court papers, Raman assaulted the rapper several times, leaving her with injuries and missing teeth. On top of that, he had vandalized her property and stolen some of her belongings.

Doja Cat’s brother allegedly talked down on his sister in a very “degrading and demeaning” way. Deborah claimed that this behavior has left her daughter feeling “unsafe and traumatized.”

The judge refused to rule since Doja has yet to move on the issue. While the court granted Deborah’s request, they declined meddling in the situation between the siblings. For now, Raman’s movement around Doja has not been restricted. It will take the artist’s personal filing to effect any change.

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