Father and Stepmother Arrested After Police Find Six Children ‘Starved Beaten and Locked In Cages’

Photo Credit: Las Vegas Metro Police Department

Las Vegas Metro Police arrested father, Travis Doss, and stepmother, Amanda Stamper after finding young children locked in cages at their residence, reports the NY Post. The children were allegedly battered and starved, police say. 

Upon entering the one-bedroom apartment cops found six children, ages 2-11, alone with two dogs. The 11-year-old boy along with his 9-year-old brother were both locked up in separate cages. The 11-year-old had

“two black eyes that were swollen shut, multiple marks and bruises all over his body, and he was emaciated,”

according to police. 

The boy told police he had to share the little food he was given amongst his siblings.

“He kept saying that he was always hungry and that’s why he stole, and then he said, ‘It’s food that’s in the trash, so how is that even stealing?’”

the detective said, according to a grand-jury transcript.

“And he kept saying that he needed big food because he was a big boy now and that he would have to share one large fry from McDonald’s with like all six kids and just that he was never really fed and that’s why he stole,”

the cop recounted.

Doss, who is the father to seven children, was indicted by a grand jury earlier this month on 40 charges including child abuse, according to court documents obtained by The Post. Amanda Stamper is reportedly the biological mother of the 2-year-old child and stepmother to the others. She was also indicted and faces seven counts of child abuse, reports note. 

Stamper’s public defender said she was also a victim of Doss’s abuse and feared for her life.

“If she had done anything, she would’ve been subjected to serious, serious abuse,”

they told the local outlet in June.

Doss was also a rapper who went by the name

“Trap Montana,”

according to his Instagram posts. Police obtained images of him rapping inside luxury cars, mansions, and casinos on the famed Las Vegas Strip.

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