African News Reports, Ombeni Malekera was arrested on thursday and is being held in Bukavu in eastern democratic republic of Congo. Malekera who is not on her first crime has kidnapped two children “3 year old boy and his sister 5 year old sister.
Patrice Bengehya mayor of the commune of Bagira in Bukavu said
“The body of the 5 year old was found at the edge of the river, amputated of her sex organs and her tongue”
Bengehya said the discovery of the body sparked an uprising among residents. The searches that have been launched have made it possible to find the three-year-old boy who was
In the home of Ombeni Malekera, said Bengehya.
Bourgmestre Patience Bengehya recalls that last March Ombeni Malekera
“wanted to kidnap her three children to extort money from her husband”.
In February, a 5-year-old albino boy was killed by unknown persons and his body found without head or legs, in Kalehe (still in South Kivu), probably the victim of occult practices targeting albinos in certain African countries.
#Clique what are your thoughts?