Man Accidentally Shot Himself After Dreaming About Intruders In His Home, Now Facing 2 Felony Charges

Photo Credit: Lake County Sheriff's Office

An Illinois man was arrested on illegal gun charges after shooting himself in his sleep while dreaming of an intruder in his home, Insider reported. 

The suspect identified as Mark Dicara, allegedly dreamt of a home invasion and picked up his .357 Magnum revolver while still asleep, accidentally shooting himself in the leg. Police reported to Dicara’s Lake County home Monday night. When they arrived they found him in bed with a

“significant amount of blood,”

police said. His leg was placed in a tourniquet and he was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. 

“The round discharged from the firearm went through Dicara’s leg and lodged itself into Dicara’s bedding.  Fortunately, the round did not travel through a shared wall with Dicara’s neighbors,”

the press release said. 

Investigators found that Dicara’s revolver was an unregistered gun. According to the outlet, a Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) card, is required in the state of Illinois. 

Dicara was charged with

“possession of a firearm without a valid FOID card and reckless discharge of a firearm.”

He was later released on a $150,000 bond and is scheduled to appear in court on June 29.

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