It looks like Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Deputies had a case of the
“Chicken Little”
syndrome. A man is suing the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s office after he claims two of their deputies wrongfully shot at him after mistaking an acorn falling and hitting their patrol vehicle for a gunshot, as reported by Fox News.
This led both the deputy and his partner to unleash a barrage of gunfire on the patrol car, which had the individual in the backseat. Video footage captures the moment when one of the deputies frantically shouts
“shots fired,”
before pulling out his firearm and firing multiple rounds at the vehicle.
The deputy involved has been identified as Jesse Hernandez, a former Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Deputy, who can be heard in the video saying,
“I’m hit… I’m hit! I’m hit.”
Deputy Beth Roberts also discharged his weapon.
Even after being searched, detained, and placed in handcuffs just moments before, Marquis Jackson was still shot at multiple times. Fortunately, he was not injured. The arrest of Jackson was prompted by a domestic call made by his girlfriend, who accused him of stealing her car, threatening her, and potentially possessing a gun silencer, although its whereabouts were uncertain.
Okaloosa County Sheriff Eric Aden acknowledged the gravity of the situation, stating,
“We let the public down. I will admit — this was a very tragic and traumatic incident for Mr. Jackson. To that end — I can only apologize.”
An independent review and investigation confirmed that no long guns were used to shoot at Mr. Jackson. Deputies used long guns with bean bag rounds to help him exit the vehicle, and claimed he was not being shot at.
#Clique, what are your thoughts?