Minnesota Father Kills Elderly Sex Offender with Moose Antler, Police Say

Photo Credit: Unsplash/ David Trinks

A Minnesota dad admitted to killing a sex offender he suspected had once stalked his toddler daughter, NY Post reported. The dad told officers he

“finished him off”

with a moose antler. 

Levi Axtell, 27, turned himself into the Cook County Sheriff’s Office on March 8. Police said Axtell arrived at the station covered in blood, fell to his knees, and confessed to fatally beating Lawrence V. Scully, 77, with a shovel, Fox reported. Axtell told officers he

“finished him off”

by stabbing him with moose antlers. 

The Cook County Sheriff’s Office said they later discovered Scully’s body inside his home. 

Police said they also received a 911 call from a neighbor who had seen someone


a car in Scully’s driveway and run into his home. The witness told officers they heard screaming shortly afterward. 

The two men reportedly had an ongoing conflict. Axtell had accused Scully In 2018 of

“stalking” and “attempting to groom”

his then-toddler daughter at her daycare after continuously parking his vehicle at the facility, reports reveal. The father went to obtain an order of protection against Scully but his request was later dismissed. About two years later, Axtell wrote on Facebook that

“Only cure for pedophiles? A bullet”

Scully was convicted of molesting a 6-year-old girl in 1979. 

Axtell was indicted Friday on a second-degree murder charge and is being held on a $1 million bond.

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