Robert Downey Jr. Draws Attention to Margot Robbie Oscar Snub

Margotrobbieofficial/Robert DowneyJr Instagram

According to Variety, The Iron Man actor recently said at a roundtable that Margot doesn’t get enough credit for her work. As you are well aware, the actress was overlooked for the Best Actress category at the Oscars for her portrayal in the Barbie film, although she did receive a Best Picture nomination as a producer on the film.

Downey, who was nominated for a Best Supporting role at the Oscars, has addressed the snub. He said,

“This is weird, but Margot not getting a nod for her portrayal is just not getting enough credit in my opinion because America Ferrera has this amazing speech and she nails it, but it’s the cutaway to Robbie so actively listening to it. It’s when you realize, okay, they are on to something here.”

“As actors, we want our work to speak for us, and we want recognition for putting in the work to hone our craft and skill sets.”

#Clique, what are your thoughts on Robert’s statement?

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