“Schindler’s List” is a film that masterfully conveys the harrowing reality of the Holocaust, eliciting strong emotions from its viewers. Steven Spielberg, who is of Jewish heritage, was deeply motivated to create this film when he noticed a rise in Holocaust denial in 1993.
According to The Gazette, portraying the devastating events of the Holocaust, particularly considering his connection to it, took a toll on Spielberg. Switching between working on “Hook” and “Schindler’s List” was emotionally taxing, leaving him feeling resentful and angry combined with the challenging schedule that usually drained him at the end of each day.
During the making of the film, Robin Williams regularly called Steven Spielberg, providing support and lightening the emotional burden that came with directing such a heavy film.
“Robin knew what I was going through, and once a week, Robin would call me on schedule, and he would do 15 minutes of stand-up on the phone,” said Spielberg.
“I would laugh hysterically because I had to release so much. … The way Robin is on the telephone, he’d always hang up on the loudest, best laugh you’d give him. He’d never say goodbye, just hang up on the biggest laugh,” he also added.
#Clique, what are your thoughts on this?