Taraji P. Henson Chokes Up: Explains That The Industry Doesn’t Pay Fairly and How She Considered Quitting Acting


Taraji P. Henson recently pointed out in an interview with Gayle King on SiriusXM that when asked if she had considered retiring from acting, her heart fell to pieces right there and then.
Regarding the under-paid nature of work in Hollywood, she expressed frustration while noting that her hard work is bringing substantial returns yet, she’s only receiving a small fraction of what she nets.

Henson also talked about the financial difficulties faced by actors, noting that much of their income is eaten up after paying taxes and compensating team members. In addition, she stated that Black actors and stories both have limited overseas marketing potential, one of the reasons for their imbalance in pay.

The Color Purple director confirmed her account and added that he himself battled to get his intended leading actors into the film. Henson’s insistence upon fair pay is also related to her wish for other actresses and for a better industry all around.

Watch Henson’s complete interview here. Warner Bros. releases

“The Color Purple”

on Dec. 25 in theaters.

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