A Target employee took to TikTok to slam her co-worker who kept removing the Black history facts she had written on a whiteboard for employees to see.
Orquinazia Scott (@orquinaziascott), said in honor of Black History Month she had written down Black history facts on a whiteboard located in the back of the Target store she works at. However, Scott noticed that her work kept getting erased.
She explained that the first fact she wrote, she tried to keep it
“light and airy,”
being that she works at Target. Scott detailed facts about Elvis Presley’s career, style, and music being influenced by black culture. She also had written facts about the Seneca Village, a once thriving Black community in New York City, which had been turned into Central Park, displacing many Black families from their homes.
In her original video, Scott said the perpetrator could continue to try to
“erase our history”
but that she was not giving up on educating her co-workers.
“So tonight, I’m [going] to put up yet another Black history fact, and if I come back tomorrow, and it’s erased—not by me—it’s gone be a problem,”
she said. In follow-up videos, Scott continues to share how her Black history facts are still being erased so she proceeded to write out
“Happy Black History Month” and “Black! Lives! Matter!”
in permanent marker.
In her latest video, Scott claims that her friend revealed to her who kept erasing the board which she identified by the name
Scott said she,
“proceed[ed] to ask [Ashley], ‘Were the facts too real? Or did the Black Lives Matter tick you off? Because I need to know why my board is gone and where it is.’”
Scott said the entire ordeal shocked her because
“[Ashley] is not even white y’all.”
She went on to say that the situation was
because her co-worker experiences the same
“challenges as me… A group of people don’t like you, and you have a problem with me trying to enlighten that group of people”
she said.
#Clique, what are your thoughts?