Taylor Swift Still Feels Hurt That Kim Kardashian Isn’t Remorseful for The Phone Call Leak With Kanye West

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The Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian “private phone call leak” feud was inherited from Kanye West, and it’s still brewing hot. While speaking to Time, where she was featured as the Person of the Year, Swift brushed on Kim’s not-sorry attitude following the psychological trauma the whole thing caused her.

Taylor Swift And Kanye West Feud Began In 2006

Following her hard work for the year, Taylor Swift was recognized at the MTV Music Video Awards in 2009. However, Kanye West believed that the Bad Blood singer had not earned it that year. He threw a feat by climbing the stage to drum support for Beyonce, his preferred person. Despite the tantrum, Swift went home with the award.

Even though Kanye West’s genre differs from the pop star’s, the bad blood remained permanent. In 2016, the rapper made his Famous track and added Swift’s name to it. He launched at the singer, tagging her as a bitch who was famous because of the MTV feud. The wording of his rap read:

“Might still have sex…made that bitch famous.”

Taylor Swift’s Private Phone Call Leak

Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian turned enemies following her marriage to Kanye West. Swift slammed West for using her name when the hit song was released.

However, Kim did not go down without a fight, the SKIM founder released a private phone call between West and the singer. While this cleared up her ex-husband’s name, it made Swift look like she had lied about the lack of consent.

Taylor Swift Shares Her Experience After the Treatment From Kim Kardashian

The Time decided to honour Swift as their “Person of the Year.” While interacting with the outlet, the singer shared how much destruction Kim’s attitude cost her. She explained that the leaked phone call was a framed job by Kim. Swift added:

“That took me down psychologically to a place I’ve never been before. I moved to a foreign country. I didn’t leave a rental house for a year. I was afraid to get on phone calls. I pushed away most people in my life because I didn’t trust anyone anymore. I went down really, really hard.”

According to Page Six, Taylor Swift is open to any show of remorse from Kim, including a public apology.

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