Texas Man Receives 180-Day Jail Sentence For Drugging Wife’s Drinks To Induce An Abortion

A 39-year-old Houston attorney named Mason Herring has been sentenced to 180 days in jail and 10 years on probation after drugging his wife's drinks in an attempt to induce an abortion, reports ABC Houston. 
Photo Credit: Screen grab from ABC

A 39-year-old Houston attorney named Mason Herring has been sentenced to 180 days in jail and 10 years on probation after drugging his wife’s drinks in an attempt to induce an abortion, reports ABC Houston

Herring pleaded guilty to injury to a child and assault of a pregnant person, although he had originally been charged with felony assault to induce abortion. Catherine Herring, who has filed for divorce, expressed her dissatisfaction with the length of the jail sentence. She shared that their 1-year-old daughter, who was born about 10 weeks premature, is facing developmental delays and attends therapy eight times a week.

“I do not believe that 180 days is justice for attempting to kill your child seven separate times,”

Catherine Herring said. Catherine told authorities she became suspicious when she fell ill after drinking from a cloudy cup her husband had given her. She later discovered packaging for the abortion drug misoprostol in the trash. 

She handed over videos from hidden cameras in her home, showing her husband mixing something in her drink. Mason Herring’s attorney believes the plea deal and sentence are fair.

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