Willow Smith: Fashionable and Stylish

Instagram/Willow Smith

From a child Willow has been known for her unique and intriguing style of fashion, starting from her first hit

“Whip My Hair,”

the music video in which she rocked multiple fashionable looks. We also saw a bit of her stylish looks in 2010 at the premiere of

“The Karate Kid.”

It is said that her style has been wild, which has allowed her to become Chanel’s muse and an ambassador to so many well-known brands. Her music now goes further to show how she expresses herself, and how she incorporates her fashion style into it should be applauded.

Her fashion sense showcases her free spirit, self-appreciation, and all-round confidence  When the Smiths came back on the red carpet after the

“Oscar slap,” 

Willow’s captivating outfit was a black cropped waistcoat and hip-exposed, and crystal engraved trousers which ere previously worn by Bella Hadid on the runway of Stella McCartney’s 2023 summer collection.

Here is a list of our favorite Willow Smith looks that reflect her personality and style:


#Clique, what are your thoughts on Willow’s looks through the years ?

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