Woman Who Went Viral For Marrying a Rag Doll Announces She’s Pregnant with Second Child

Photo Credit: Unsplash/ Luana Azevedo

A Brazilian woman who married a rag doll her mom had made for her, announced that she is pregnant with her second child on TikTok, per Express World News

Meirivone Rocha Moraes has gone viral over the past few years over her marriage to an inanimate object she calls Marcelo. The 37-year-old has been documenting her whirlwind romance with the doll via TikTok. In her latest saga, Meirivone told the world that the couple is expecting their second child together and has high hopes that this will

“strengthen their relationship,”

after Marcelo’s cheating past. 

The two reportedly share a rag doll son and hope to have a girl this go around. Meirivone flashed a positive pregnancy in a video posted to TikTok expressing how


they are.

“We really wanted to get pregnant again, Marcelo kept asking when we’re going to get another baby, and I said one day,”

she explained adding that she started to feel pregnancy symptoms recently.  

Meirivone said the two would

“love to have a little princess”

but will

“love them just the same”

if it is another boy. The couple has been going viral since images surfaced of their wedding. 

Ms. Moraes’s mother originally built her daughter the rag doll after receiving complaints from her about being single. Meirivone claims she quickly fell in love with Marcelo and learned she was pregnant shortly after they met. Meirivone said she did not want to have a child out of wedlock, so she arranged a wedding that had 250 family and friends in attendance, according to the outlet. 

“[When] he entered into my life and it all made sense,”

she previously stated.

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